Its DOM!

20150517_192924The first 23 years were real ROUGH but the last 13 have been OUTSTANDING!

About 13 years ago… I committed to LOVE myself, be responsible for the decisions I make and the consequences that come with all of that! Since that summer day in 2003… I’ve attempted, not always successfully, to live the Best version of myself. I’ve made mistakes and enemies along the way… but I’ve also come to terms with who I am in my body and mind; AND have made best friends who have become my family.

This BLOG is the product of a recent decision to QUIT working at a company I spent the last 12 years at and travel through South East Asia! Its a medium for me to track this Journey, the physical trip and all it takes to pull it off. BUT also a journal of who I am and how I see the World through my life-tinted filter… and I mean, it’s just another opportunity to #BeBold.



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